Brian and I have been pretty consistently running 3 miles twice a week lately. I'm
assuming that the training group that we'll be joining in a couple of weeks will want us to be able to start at 3-4 miles on day one, so we're trying to get a bit faster than our usualy 12 minute mile pace. Now that the weather is beautifully warming up my breathing is becoming more and more of an issue. I can run 3 miles with only a little bit of wheezing, but beyond that I've been really struggling. Brian has convinced (i.e. forced) me to finally see an allergy & asthma specialist to see if I can get an inhaler for running days. Unfortunately I have to wait until July when our new insurance benefits kick in, so until then I'm sticking with 3ish mile runs.
Yesterday I let my running partner sleep in and I cheated on him with this lady:

Karen was in Cinci for a wedding this weekend so I was very lucky to get to hang out with her Saturday a.m. We walked/ran 3 miles, gossiped about Miami people, drank some Caribou Coffee, and plotted Brian and I's eventual move to Atlanta ;) We also decided that very soon we plus Rose need to run a race together, and what better one than the San Fran Nike Women's Half or Full Marathon? Supposedly there's chocolate stops along the route, and you get a finishers Tiffany necklace? Sounds awesome! Only catch is you have to enter a raffle to get registered because it's so popular. Maybe we'll start trying for next year?

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