Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jen and I are pumped.

I just came off one of those energizing days of work.  The kind where you are busy every minute of the entire day but yet you're not tired, angry, or anxious when you get home.  The kind where you are energized because you have a sense that you accomplished at least one important thing that day.  If you don't have these kinds of days, you need to read John Kotter's A Sense of Urgency.  Go to  Right now.

Jen made it to our old school spinning class (I had to bail due to work but did go to the gym) with "Jillian" and she always feels super excited about life after that.  Jillian is by far the most motivating and hard-hitting instructors at our gym.  I don't think it's possible to not feel great after riding with her.

So, as I said before, Jen and I are pumped.  And our Half Marathon is only a few short days away.  It's been a great experience training (or sometimes trying to train...) for this race.  I know we will both do well and, hey, even if our times are outlandish we will have accomplished something that we've never attempted before.  And that rocks.

What's been playing in my mind...

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