Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Where does the time go?

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Here we go!
We survived day #1 of running group! Today they offered 4, 5, or 8 miles to run- Brian and I both opted for the 4 mile loop. The humidity was disgusting already at 7:30 am, but it wasn't totally unbearable thanks to the mostly flat course. It was great running through a different neighborhood than our usual routes. Every week the training plan bumps up the mileage but starting out we do 2 weeks in a row of just 4 mile runs, which I'm very thankful for :)The sun is finally peeping out from behind the clouds. Brian and I have great plans for our 1 year anniversary eve:
plus delicious cake and a fancy dinner out. But more on that tomorrow. ;)
Friday, June 19, 2009
Twas the night before running club...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Tuesday = Friday
Monday, June 15, 2009
Summer hair
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sunday, June 14, 2009
What time is it?
First of all, I just successfully setup the ability to blog from my Blackberry (I'm a little behind Jen and Wally on this one...).
Second, I wanted to talk up (a) a great birthday present from my wife and (b) a great essential for any runner. Jen surprised me on my latest birthday with a brand new athletic watch - a Timex Ironman watch - so now we have the "his" and the "her" versions. :)
(Brian's awesome new watch)
I've started wearing my new watch every time we go to the gym or head out for a run. I don't know how I ever worked out without one! (Jen knows - I would just constantly ask her to keep track of our time.) Not only is this watch stylish and designed to fit perfectly around the wrist, but its various modes are becoming very useful. Say, for example, that we are running a 5k and want to make sure that we keep our pace consistent throughout the race. I can quickly slide over to Chronograph mode and use the Split key to record the time it takes to run each of our miles. We can then adjust our pace as necessary to finish the race when we want at the speed we want. At the end of the race, I can cycle back and see our time at each mile and our total race time - ingenious! It definitely beats searching desperately for a clock tower at the exact moment you pass a mile marker during a race. :)
Of course, the watch also features timer, alarm, and stopwatch functions which are all useful in their own right. So be sure to check out this watch - if the Ironman puts a stamp on it, it must be useful. Thanks, Jen - best birthday gift ever!
(Jen's equally cool watch)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Racing to Read
This morning was our second annual go at the Racing to Read in Covington, KY. B and I ran in this 5k last year, a week before our wedding. It hit us this morning when we picked up our packets and we got to wait in the same line - pick-up lines were organized alphabetically by last name. :)
(Brian at packet pick-up, it was super sunny this a.m.)
We seriously kicked butt through the first mile. B says we ran it in 9 minutes but I think he may have started his watch a little late, I had more like 10.5. After the first mile I remembered quickly how much I actually hate this race. I feel bad about it, the race does have lots of great things to offer. For $20 pre-registration you get: a technical top, pancake post-race breakfast, a scenic route along the Ohio River, and to help the literacy programs of Northern Kentucky -good thing, I'm sure they need it ;). I guess what I hate about it is the 3-4 (can't remember off the top of my head) rediculously steep hills that I'd rather punch myself in the face than run up. And the increased humidity from being near the water. And that it's in KY; are you noticing a theme of how I truely feel about our southern neighbor? :)
All in all it was a good race and we both finished better than last year: B=34:45, J=36:10. Too bad we don't get to go to St. Lucia in a week for a honeymoon again like last year.
P.S.- I went to bed at 9pm last night. I guess an early morning workout was a bit much for me on a Friday :)
Friday, June 12, 2009
I did it!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Mystery of the Hyde Park Loop

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Wear sunscreen
B and I are now fully stocked with sunburn (and skin cancer) preventing SPF 15 to protect us during our summer running. We should probably use SPF 30 but I prefer 15 and how its less sticky feeling than 30.
Our second 5k of the year is Saturday so guess what we're doing tonight...yep, going for a run. Hopefully the thunderstorms are done for today!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
19 weeks
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry